Business Magi Astrology
Understanding business through Magi Astrology


Deception is something that can crop up in the business world, as well as all other worlds. Magi Astrology is a tool that can help reduce the risk of deception. This is achieved by inspecting the astrology of the potential business partner or employee. Under the Incorporation heading we saw that the nature of a company can be derived from its incorporation date. Finally, your own transits and progressions on a particular day will reveal if you are more susceptible to be deceived than you would normally be. We will here look at deception, using the lens of Magi Astrology.

Theranos and Elizabeth Holmes

As we inspect the astrology of former Theranos chief executive Elizabeth Holmes we will look for indications of "deception". In Magi Astrology, we have two planets that rule "deception," Saturn and Juno. Saturn also rules temptations of all kinds and the inability to resist them. Juno rules broken promises, unrealistic expectations, narcissism, deceit and fleeting charisma. We also know that the midpoint between these two planets is likely to show up in a case like this since it's a marker of deception. By combining the symbolisms of Saturn and Juno we get potential meanings for the Saturn/Juno midpoint: tragic deception, inability to resist temptations of fantasy, destruction based on sexual allure, extreme selfishness, deceit based on scientific thinking.
Photo by Max Morse for TechCrunch
The Saturn/Juno midpoint is located next to the Sun in the chart to the left, at 13:14 Aquarius. Not shown.
In Elizabeth's geocentric astrology, we find the Saturn/Juno midpoint makes powerful aspects to no fewer than five planets.  We shall see how this multi-planet synchronization gives us valuable insight.  NOTE: For the ease of writing, I use the words "planets" to also denote asteroids and other bodies that are used in Magi Astrology.
Elizabeth's Saturn/Juno midpoint is aspecting her Sun, Mars, Uranus, Ceres and Vesta. This can mean a person (Sun) involved with tragic deception (Saturn/Juno) and the inability to resist temptations of fantasy (Saturn/Juno) in relation to commercial (Ceres) technology (Uranus) involving blood (Mars) and altruism (Vesta). With Elizabeth's Sun being conjunct the Saturn/Juno midpoint and trine the asteroid Vesta, which represents altruism, friendliness and generosity, we find she's a person (Sun) who easily can make friends (Vesta) based on scientific deception (Saturn/Juno).
In Elizabeth's heliocentric astrology we find that the Saturn/Juno midpoint is trine her natal Jupiter, applying at 0.5 degree orb.  This can mean she is narcissistic (Saturn/Juno) around progress (Jupiter) and benevolence (Jupiter) in relation to a scientific fantasy (Saturn/Juno).
In her geocentric Zodiac 7 realm, we find a closed triangle created by Chiron, Pluto and the Saturn/Juno midpoint. We interpret this as a competitive and powerful (Pluto) business (Chiron) based on scientific delusion (Saturn/Juno).
In her heliocentric Zodiac 7 realm, we find a closed triangle between Ceres, Uranus and the Saturn/Juno midpoint. This represents egotism (Ceres) and commercial viability (Ceres) in technology (Uranus) and fame (Uranus) that is based on scientific deception (Saturn/Juno).
Note: deception requires two participants: the deceiver and the deceived. On some level of reality, the deceived person has entered into an agreement with the deceiver to complete this transaction. You could also say that the deceived person has engaged in self- deception, by engaging with a person who is not trustworthy. In other words, don’t blame the shark if you have allowed yourself to become shark bait.
Note: every person has the Saturn/Juno midpoint in their chart, and it will be aspecting "something," but in this case, I find the midpoint makes enough powerful aspects to raise warning flags.
I haven't found the incorporation date for Theranos, but understand it was incorporated in April 2004. If this is correct, we note that transiting Jupiter was forming a Grand Trine with Elizabeth's natal Juno and Venus, which both aspect Mars. We get money (Venus) and success (Jupiter) from being a leader (Venus and Jupiter) in a deception (Juno) involving blood (Mars). 

Judge Judy

Spying Deception with Magi Astrology

In the business world, it's important to know if people are telling the truth or lying. There's only one way of telling the truth, but there are many ways of lying. Some people are "embellishing," others are using lying in the pursuit of fraud and other's don't even know they are lying. With Magi Astrology, we can determine an astrological likelihood of lying versus deceiving. We inspect the six dimensions of the chart for evidence.  It's like putting matches in piles. We have the Honest pile and the Deception pile, and we count the matches in each pile at the end.
Judge Judy is an internationally famous television truth machine.  It would be great if we had access to her perception - especially before the fact. When we look at her astrology, we expect to see powerful Jupiter alignments since Jupiter represents wisdom and good judgement, the law and the principle of order.
Meanwhile, Judge Judy has a Grand Trine comprised of Mercury, Pallas and Saturn. She has a controlled (Saturn) and dominant (Saturn) logical (Pallas) mind (Mercury). This is the astrological representation of a "steel-trap mind." Judge Judy has one.
We will find the Jupiter alignment in Judge Judy's heliocentric astrology, in the latitudes, to be exact - and it makes a lot of sense. Not shown.
In the heliocentric chart, Judge Judy’s Jupiter is parallel Earth, as is her Uranus. She is a person of justice (Jupiter) and she’s a person of fame (Uranus). Jupiter and Uranus are contra-parallel each other. We know that the Jupiter-Uranus energy represents Super Fame in Magi Astrology, so we can tick that one off. It fits here again. She truly is super famous. There are other considerations worth mentioning in this case. Because every person and every event has the Earth in the same latitude in the heliocentric astrology, Judge Judy's Uranus and Jupiter will interact with every person and event in the same manner, astrologically speaking. She brings justice and fairness (Jupiter) to every person (Earth) who steps into her courtroom and she brings change (Uranus) and publicity (Uranus).

Belle Gibson

Some people who are out to deceive us will give us several different birth dates. This was the case of Osama bin Laden and it is the case of Australian cancer-cure charlatan Belle Gibson, who claims to have two different birth certificates and says her name has been changed four times, while admitting to an “identity crisis”. Wikipedia used to say she was born in October 1988, but now it says 8 October 1991. A birth date of 5 October 1991 can also be found on the internet. As this data is uncertain, we wont’ spend much time on it. Whether Belle Gibson is a fully-paid-up fraudster or a victim horribly afflicted by self-deception is best for the legal system to decide.
Using the October 8, 1991 birth date we find a square between Juno and Mercury that is also aspected by Pluto. This translates into powerful (Pluto) deceptive or self-deceptive (Juno) mind (Mercury).

The Ponzi Scheme

US Italian Charlie Ponzi gave name to a fraudulent scheme that promises to pay high returns on investment, but instead uses money from subsequent investors to pay out pretence winnings to earlier investors, thus making the scheme famous and attractive. As the wheels keep spinning faster, the scheme can amass millions of dollars in "investments" and spread like wildfire. To be successful, the scheme would require that the fraudster suddenly cut all ties and disappear with the money before the scheme collapses, although this seldom happens. The Ponzi schemer is typically there to the bitter end, facing the wrath of his or her business associates.
In Charlie Ponzi's natal chart we find a conjuncted Grand Trine formed by Uranus, Juno and a Chiron-Vesta conjunction. The deception (Juno) was driven by his fame and star quality (Uranus) as well as his friendly (Vesta) charisma (Chiron). However, apart from Juno taking part in the structure, Ceres is also in there. This adds more egotism and the morality of organized crime, which this was.

Bernie Madoff

Bernie Madoff was the fraudster who took the Ponzi scheme scam to record levels. A trusted person at the stock exchange, he fleeced investors of billions. Many investors lost everything. He was sentenced to 150 years in prison.
Bernie Madoff's deception (Juno) was as famous (Uranus) as it was destructive (Saturn). Note that we have both deception planets, Saturn and Juno, in this alignment. That is not good. The ambitious (Juno) Madoff also used scientific (Saturn) technology (Uranus) to get started as a pioneer in electronic trading.

Bernard Ebbers

Apart from sharing the first name with Bernie Madoff, Bernard Ebbers also has an alignment that features both deception planets, Saturn and Juno. Not good. Before Madoff, Bernard Ebber's WorldCom scandal was the biggest US accounting scandal. This accounts for the fact that Uranus, representing fame, takes part in the alignments of both the Bernards. In addition, Ebbers also has Pallas in his alignment. We get a famous (Uranus) mindset (Pallas) of tragic (Saturn) fraud (Juno). The WorldCom scandal was, until the Madoff schemes came to light in 2008, the largest accounting scandal in United States history.

Anna Delvey aka Anna Sorokin

Russian would-be Manhattan socialite Anna Sorokin, aka Anna Delvey, is now in court for allegedly scamming people and businesses. Let's see how the symbolisms of Magi Astrology are playing out in this case


In the geocentric chart Anna has a synchronization between the Sun, Juno, Odin and the Saturn/Jupiter midpoint. This is a revealing structure. Odin, the Sun, and the Saturn/Jupiter midpoint form a t-square. This is a tense arrangement that doesn't hold much promise. The symbolism we have so far is: Person (Sun) of Fallen Angel (Saturn/Jupiter) leadership (Odin). Because of the t-square arrangement we can add "frustrated" to that mix. We get: Frustrated (t-square) leadership (Odin) person (Sun) who might crash and burn (Saturn/Jupiter).


The problem with the Saturn/Jupiter midpoint is the energies do not combine well at all. You either get the plane that takes off (Jupiter) too soon (Saturn), or the plane that slides off the runway because a critical attitude (Saturn) hampers development (Jupiter). Because midpoints are simultaneously active in both the conjunction and the opposition position - 180-degree difference - we interpret midpoint positions in the way they make the most impact. In this case, the Saturn/Jupiter midpoint at 4 degrees Scorpio doens't add much geometrically, but the opposite point, at 4 degree, does. From this place, the Saturn/Jupiter midpoint trines the position of Juno, the planet of fake charm and deception. So, the only "enhancement angle" in this structure is the trine between Juno and Saturn/Jupiter - the aspect itself is still not an enhancement, but Anna didn't know that. She just saw the opportunity to avoid her frustration by embarking on an ill-timed (Saturn/Jupiter) deception (Juno). She now "enjoys" leadership in the failed deception brigade.


In the declinations - the sideways perspective - Anna's Sun is contraparallel Jupiter and parallel Saturn. The two aspecting planets, Saturn and Jupiter, are not themselves in aspect. You could say Anna's Sun - the sense of self - is acting go- between in this case, which is another Fallen Angel situation. Because the two planetary energies mix so badly. In addition to this, we have another, similar arrangement that relates to the principles of deception. Vesta is contra- parallel Juno and Chiron is also contra-parallel Juno, but Vesta and Chiron are out of orb with one another. In Magi Astrology, what is NOT happening can be just as telling as what is happening. What we have is: I can deceive (Juno) by being friendly (Vesta). What we have is: I can deceive (Juno) though charisma (Chiron and Juno). What we do NOT have is: I have real (Chiron) and altruistic (Chiron and Vesta) friendships (Vesta).
Business Magi Astrology
Understanding business through Magi Astrology


Deception is something that can crop up in the business world, as well as all other worlds. Magi Astrology is a tool that can help reduce the risk of deception. This is achieved by inspecting the astrology of the potential business partner or employee. Under the Incorporation heading we saw that the nature of a company can be derived from its incorporation date. Finally, your own transits and progressions on a particular day will reveal if you are more susceptible to be deceived than you would normally be. We will here look at deception, using the lens of Magi Astrology.

Theranos and Elizabeth Holmes

As we inspect the astrology of former Theranos chief executive Elizabeth Holmes we will look for indications of "deception". In Magi Astrology, we have two planets that rule "deception," Saturn and Juno. Saturn also rules temptations of all kinds and the inability to resist them. Juno rules broken promises, unrealistic expectations, narcissism, deceit and fleeting charisma. We also know that the midpoint between these two planets is likely to show up in a case like this since it's a marker of deception. By combining the symbolisms of Saturn and Juno we get potential meanings for the Saturn/Juno midpoint: tragic deception, inability to resist temptations of fantasy, destruction based on sexual allure, extreme selfishness, deceit based on scientific thinking.
Photo by Max Morse for TechCrunch
The Saturn/Juno midpoint is located next to the Sun in the chart above, at 13:14 Aquarius. Not shown.
In Elizabeth's geocentric astrology, we find the Saturn/Juno midpoint makes powerful aspects to no fewer than five planets.  We shall see how this multi-planet synchronization gives us valuable insight.  NOTE: For the ease of writing, I use the words "planets" to also denote asteroids and other bodies that are used in Magi Astrology.
Elizabeth's Saturn/Juno midpoint is aspecting her Sun, Mars, Uranus, Ceres and Vesta. This can mean a person (Sun) involved with tragic deception (Saturn/Juno) and the inability to resist temptations of fantasy (Saturn/Juno) in relation to commercial (Ceres) technology (Uranus) involving blood (Mars) and altruism (Vesta). With Elizabeth's Sun being conjunct the Saturn/Juno midpoint and trine the asteroid Vesta, which represents altruism, friendliness and generosity, we find she's a person (Sun) who easily can make friends (Vesta) based on scientific deception (Saturn/Juno).
In Elizabeth's heliocentric astrology we find that the Saturn/Juno midpoint is trine her natal Jupiter, applying at 0.5 degree orb.  This can mean she is narcissistic (Saturn/Juno) around progress (Jupiter) and benevolence (Jupiter) in relation to a scientific fantasy (Saturn/Juno).
In her geocentric Zodiac 7 realm, we find a closed triangle created by Chiron, Pluto and the Saturn/Juno midpoint. We interpret this as a competitive and powerful (Pluto) business (Chiron) based on scientific delusion (Saturn/Juno).
In her heliocentric Zodiac 7 realm, we find a closed triangle between Ceres, Uranus and the Saturn/Juno midpoint. This represents egotism (Ceres) and commercial viability (Ceres) in technology (Uranus) and fame (Uranus) that is based on scientific deception (Saturn/Juno).
Note: deception requires two participants: the deceiver and the deceived. On some level of reality, the deceived person has entered into an agreement with the deceiver to complete this transaction. You could also say that the deceived person has engaged in self-deception, by engaging with a person who is not trustworthy. In other words, don’t blame the shark if you have allowed yourself to become shark bait.
Note: every person has the Saturn/Juno midpoint in their chart, and it will be aspecting "something," but in this case, I find the midpoint makes enough powerful aspects to raise warning flags.
I haven't found the incorporation date for Theranos, but understand it was incorporated in April 2004. If this is correct, we note that transiting Jupiter was forming a Grand Trine with Elizabeth's natal Juno and Venus, which both aspect Mars. We get money (Venus) and success (Jupiter) from being a leader (Venus and Jupiter) in a deception (Juno) involving blood (Mars). 

Judge Judy

In the business world, it's important to know if people are telling the truth or lying. There's only one way of telling the truth, but there are many ways of lying. Some people are "embellishing," others are using lying in the pursuit of fraud and other's don't even know they are lying. With Magi Astrology, we can determine an astrological likelihood of lying versus deceiving. We inspect the six dimensions of the chart for evidence.  It's like putting matches in piles. We have the Honest pile and the Deception pile, and we count the matches in each pile at the end.
Judge Judy is an internationally famous television truth machine.  It would be great if we had access to her perception - especially before the fact. When we look at her astrology, we expect to see powerful Jupiter alignments since Jupiter represents wisdom and good judgement, the law and the principle of order.
Meanwhile, Judge Judy has a Grand Trine comprised of Mercury, Pallas and Saturn. She has a controlled (Saturn) and dominant (Saturn) logical (Pallas) mind (Mercury). This is the astrological representation of a "steel-trap mind." Judge Judy has one.
We will find the Jupiter alignment in Judge Judy's heliocentric astrology, in the latitudes, to be exact - and it makes a lot of sense. Not shown.
In the heliocentric chart, Judge Judy’s Jupiter is parallel Earth, as is her Uranus. She is a person of justice (Jupiter) and she’s a person of fame (Uranus). Jupiter and Uranus are contra- parallel each other. We know that the Jupiter-Uranus energy represents Super Fame in Magi Astrology, so we can tick that one off. It fits here again. She truly is super famous. There are other considerations worth mentioning in this case. Because every person and every event has the Earth in the same latitude in the heliocentric astrology, Judge Judy's Uranus and Jupiter will interact with every person and event in the same manner, astrologically speaking. She brings justice and fairness (Jupiter) to every person (Earth) who steps into her courtroom and she brings change (Uranus) and publicity (Uranus).

Belle Gibson

Some people who are out to deceive us will give us several different birth dates. This was the case of Osama bin Laden and it is the case of Australian cancer-cure charlatan Belle Gibson, who claims to have two different birth certificates and says her name has been changed four times, while admitting to an “identity crisis”. Wikipedia used to say she was born in October 1988, but now it says 8 October 1991. A birth date of 5 October 1991 can also be found on the internet. As this data is uncertain, we wont’ spend much time on it. Whether Belle Gibson is a fully-paid-up fraudster or a victim horribly afflicted by self- deception is best for the legal system to decide.
Using the October 8, 1991 birth date we find a square between Juno and Mercury that is also aspected by Pluto. This translates into powerful (Pluto) deceptive or self- deceptive (Juno) mind (Mercury).

The Ponzi Scheme

US Italian Charlie Ponzi gave name to a fraudulent scheme that promises to pay high returns on investment, but instead uses money from subsequent investors to pay out pretence winnings to earlier investors, thus making the scheme famous and attractive. As the wheels keep spinning faster, the scheme can amass millions of dollars in "investments" and spread like wildfire. To be successful, the scheme would require that the fraudster suddenly cut all ties and disappear with the money before the scheme collapses, although this seldom happens. The Ponzi schemer is typically there to the bitter end, facing the wrath of his or her business associates.
In Charlie Ponzi's natal chart we find a conjuncted Grand Trine formed by Uranus, Juno and a Chiron-Vesta conjunction. The deception (Juno) was driven by his fame and star quality (Uranus) as well as his friendly (Vesta) charisma (Chiron). However, apart from Juno taking part in the structure, Ceres is also in there. This adds more egotism and the morality of organized crime, which this was.

Bernie Madoff

Bernie Madoff was the fraudster who took the Ponzi scheme scam to record levels. A trusted person at the stock exchange, he fleeced investors of billions. Many investors lost everything. He was sentenced to 150 years in prison.
Bernie Madoff's deception (Juno) was as famous (Uranus) as it was destructive (Saturn). Note that we have both deception planets, Saturn and Juno, in this alignment. That is not good. The ambitious (Juno) Madoff also used scientific (Saturn) technology (Uranus) to get started as a pioneer in electronic trading.

Bernard Ebbers

Apart from sharing the first name with Bernie Madoff, Bernard Ebbers also has an alignment that features both deception planets, Saturn and Juno. Not good. Before Madoff, Bernard Ebber's WorldCom scandal was the biggest US accounting scandal. This accounts for the fact that Uranus, representing fame, takes part in the alignments of both the Bernards. In addition, Ebbers also has Pallas in his alignment. We get a famous (Uranus) mindset (Pallas) of tragic (Saturn) fraud (Juno). The WorldCom scandal was, until the Madoff schemes came to light in 2008, the largest accounting scandal in United States history.

Spying Deception with Magi Astrology

Anna Delvey

Russian would-be Manhattan socialite Anna Sorokin, aka Anna Delvey, is now in court for allegedly scamming people and businesses.
In the geocentric chart Anna has a synchronization between the Sun, Juno, Odin and the Saturn/Jupiter midpoint. This is a revealing structure. Odin, the Sun, and the Saturn/Jupiter midpoint form a t-square. This is a tense arrangement that doesn't hold much promise. The symbolism we have so far is: Person (Sun) of Fallen Angel (Saturn/Jupiter) leadership (Odin). Because of the t-square arrangement we can add "frustrated" to that mix. We get: Frustrated (t-square) leadership (Odin) person (Sun) who might crash and burn (Saturn/Jupiter).

Fallen Angel of Deception

The problem with the Saturn/Jupiter midpoint is the energies do not combine well at all. You either get the plane that takes off (Jupiter) too soon (Saturn), or the plane that slides off the runway because a critical attitude (Saturn) hampers development (Jupiter). Because midpoints are simultaneously active in both the conjunction and the opposition position - 180-degree difference - we interpret midpoint positions in the way they make the most impact. In this case, the Saturn/Jupiter midpoint at 4 degrees Scorpio doesn't add much geometrically, but the opposite point, at 4 degree, does. From this place, the Saturn/Jupiter midpoint trines the position of Juno, the planet of fake charm and deception. So, the only "enhancement angle" in this structure is the trine between Juno and Saturn/Jupiter - the aspect itself is still not an enhancement, but Anna didn't know that. She just saw the opportunity to avoid her frustration by embarking on an ill- timed (Saturn/Jupiter) deception (Juno). She now "enjoys" leadership in the failed deception brigade.

More Fallen Angels

In the declinations - the sideways perspective - Anna's Sun is contraparallel Jupiter and parallel Saturn. The two aspecting planets, Saturn and Jupiter, are not themselves in aspect. You could say Anna's Sun - the sense of self - is acting go-between in this case, which is another Fallen Angel situation. Because the two planetary energies mix so badly. In addition to this, we have another, similar arrangement that relates to the principles of deception. Vesta is contra- parallel Juno and Chiron is also contra-parallel Juno, but Vesta and Chiron are out of orb with one another. In Magi Astrology, what is NOT happening can be just as telling as what is happening. What we have is: I can deceive (Juno) by being friendly (Vesta). What we have is: I can deceive (Juno) though charisma (Chiron and Juno). What we do NOT have is: I have real (Chiron) and altruistic (Chiron and Vesta) friendships (Vesta).